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How to check on Subscriptions through your AppleID/iTunes account on your phone

It can feel very uncomfortable to not know what subscriptions you maybe are getting charged through your Apple account. We all know the feeling— perhaps you downloaded some app Apple’s app store and it just feels sketchy. Perhaps you received a spam email telling you that you are being charged some outrageous fee through your iTunes/AppleID account. Apple’s latest iOS operating systems make it very easy to check.

    1. Open up the Settings app.
      A picture of the default home screen. The Settings app is highlighted.
    2. Click on the AppleID/ iCloud / iTunes / App Store settings button at the top.
      The main page of the Settings app, with the AppleID/ iCloud settings, which is the first button, highlighted.
    3. Click on the fourth button, the Subscriptions button.
      The AppleID/iCloud settings page showing Subscriptions, the fourth button, being highlighted.
    4. Any subscriptions on your account will be listed here. Unlike a scam email, you can trust that any and all subscriptions you have through Apple will correctly show up here. You can click on any you want to cancel.
      The Subscriptions page of the Settings: AppleID/ iCloud app. You can clearly see all subscriptions listed. Click on a subscription to see details.
    5. You will see information about what the charge is, how often it is charged, and when the renewal date is. There is a clear Cancel Subscription button. Just keep in mind that if you cancel a subscription, it will still show up on your Subscriptions page until the current subscription period expires. In this screenshot, it would still show up until November 23, 2021. I would also still be able to watch movies and TV shows in that app until that date.
      The Edit Subscription page in the settings app. The Cancel Subscription button shows up in prominent, red text. The current subscription renewal/expiration date is also clearly visible.
    6. A confirmation dialog box will appear. You must click the Confirm button to complete cancelling a subscription.
      The button to confirm cancelling a subscription.



